Tuesday 22 September 2015

Car la critique n'est pas une Critique : Chrisfania Ah-hon Finaliste Miss MRU 2015

Qui dit Concours de la « Miss Mauritius » dit souvent Critiques incompétence, et insultes. : Depuis quelques années déjà, le concours Miss Mauritius suscite la polémique chez plus d’un. Miss Mauritius est passé: d’un rêve de petites filles à un affront, un concours, qui principalement, a pour but de promouvoir la beauté et l’intelligence de la Femme Mauricienne. Ce changement de regard capital, n’empêche cependant pas les  jeunes femmes de l’ile, à y participé. Elles  sont chaque années nombreuses à poster leur candidatures, malgré les attaques et les commentaires mal embouchés des internautes et certaine ont même la chance de faire partie des douze Finalistes. Que dire de ce parcours ?

Chrisfania Ah Hon,une jeune Femme de 22 ans, finaliste de Miss Maurice 2015, transmet une joie de vivre exceptionnelle à son entourage et veut montrer au monde ses atouts et ses qualités. Pour Chrisfania une femme en 2015, c’est  avant tout, celle qui se sent bien dans sa peau, ce n’est plus restée derrière les fourneaux et veillée sur ses enfants mais c’est aussi être déterminé à élargir son savoir et le partager autour de soi.
R.Lee Photography©

Son expérience dit- elle « fut un défi enrichissant qui m’a permis de découvrir  des facettes de moi que je ne connaissais pas.» Etre parmi les 12 finalistes d’un concours national Pour cette Jeune Femme  c’est déjà un exploit car elle en ressort grandie avec des rêves plein la tête et des nouveaux projets comme sensibiliser la femme à se sentir bien dans sa peau : « Cet épisode de ma vie m’a aidé à faire face au monde dans lequel nous vivons. J’ai acquis d’autres qualités telles que la confiance en soi et à être plus responsable, qui me serviront dans ma vie de tous les jours. »

Les critiques à l'égard des femmes oui ça existe,  mais critiqué les finalistes de Miss Maurice,  c’est comme une occasion à ne pas rater, au point que c’est à se demander si on  pourra «essayer » de vivre avec, avant de s’y inscrire.

Chrisfania de son côté a choisi de prendre tout ça comme un défi à relever : «C’est tellement facile de critiquer son prochain mais ce que certains personnes ne savent pas c’est que cela ne fait qu’accroitre notre motivation et notre enthousiasme. Cela nous encourage à montrer ce dont on est capable en affrontant le monde.

Nous recevons souvent des critiques qui nous plombent le moral et  d’une manière ou d’une autre, les critiques aident aussi à l’avancement. Femme ! Ne soyons pas faible à un tel point de vous laisser écraser par des mots, car vous méritez mieux que ça.Sachez évaluer la critique et faites-en source de motivation et de force. 

Vb Photography ©

Friday 18 September 2015

Womanhood in Mauritius:We plea for a society of greater Solidarity.

Over the past decades women have faced several issues in many societies: No right for education, domestic and sexual violence, inequalities and others…where they end up considered themselves as an issue. Though we were not all showing concerned about this, the so-called "issue" at that time were  mothers, grand mothers and sisters, and should have been yours .

Mauritius is well known for its cultural diversity, and we are extremely lucky to have this magical opportunity of being exposed to women from different cultures, different backgrounds, but above all with their physical freedom.

So Why Physical Freedom?   Because absolute freedom is nor pressure and neither perceptions.

 Jeremie JYP photography ©

Today’s Mauritian Women have resign to their place of followers and have become leaders, managers’, politicians. Queen Rania of Jordan, once said "If you educate a woman, you educate a family, if you educate a girl, you educate the future." and she was right. From primary to tertiary education girls have steadily reached the top,for instance :

Result / pass

Certificate of primary Education (CPE).
94 boys and 155 girls with High distinction in all subjects.
School Certificate (SC) .


Higher School Certificate (HSC). 

Another great example of women accomplishment in Mauritius, is our president Ameenah Gurib –Fakim, who is the first woman elected President and is the third woman to serve as Head of State. She is beyond motherhood, Ameenah Gurib –Fakim is more than a simple woman becoming president. She is a women who faced difficulties, critics and who gone through trials and who never gave up.

 Unfortunately society are still turning a blind eye in front of the abilities and strength of women,  we are constantly generalized assumptions: women are bad drivers - "you hit like a Girl" - women are sex object,  A woman is nothing without a man and many other stereotypes. These are the reasons why we cannot Say: "Yes! We Are FREE." 

This complex of inferiority that has been created and imposed by the society since years ago, keeps on going and actually we do not realized. We are all concerned about it Due to innovation taking hold in today’s society and for it to be functional and sustainable there should be more gender Solidarity and we are all concern.

Men and women are ultimately different, but are equal...

Friday 11 September 2015

Why "Beyond Motherhood"? For women who is more than "just" a Mother.

First of all I was born a Girl and I am Proud, but being proud was obviously insufficient.  I have been through various situations in life, where the question arose all the time, as if to awaken my consciousness; "Am I inferior from boys?

The Mauritian Sega  which years ago was being played constantly on the radio saying that “Garcon 1er lot Tifi 2eme lot” (Boys being considered as "first lottery winner" - Girls as "second lottery winner" Linzy Bacbotte - Mama Papa) have been a real frustration and confusion during my  childhood. I have always questioned my parents about what does the singer  meant by this sentence, and
 their answers were not always reassuring.

I had the opportunity to attend an All-Girls school, where I made the acquaintance of different background, who manifestly trying to fit in a place. I have also had the opportunity to study the status of women in the society as a whole (both locally and internationally), with the example of medieval India, which made it clear: Some of us are still living and thinking according to ancient Time.

As I have  mentioned, living with my mum has personally allowed me to get closer to her, to observe her strength, her emotional aspect and her Unpredictable and myriad feelings. I can affirm that not everyone has this “opportunity”, very often routine does not enable us to contemplate a woman worth.

I have grown up in the “Female Delinquency in the Emancipation era” term used by Roger.J Berger, and today I have my place in this Mauritian Society, I am gratified of being a voter, lucky for being educated and independent citizen, but alas, perceptions remain ... Trudy Vesotsky claimed: “Perception is Projection!” The way you see people is the way you will treat them.

I am a woman and certainly will be one of the mother of the future, and during my lifetime, Womanhood, Matriarchy, Feminism are words that have always captivated my attention, the way women act, the way they think  and the differences between each of them have always fascinated me. I think my determination and concern on this topic derived from one desire: Society need to understand women, men should at least try to appreciate them, their feelings, and their behaviour being a Woman in this Society.

Yes ! I definitely had a  “Feminist” upbringing -a strong word.

No! I do not hate men.

Yes ! Life’s Circumstances always wanted me to reflect and understand this topic : why and How?

For women who is more than "just" a Mother.