Thursday, 15 October 2015

#Hashtags #Tweets YES ! It's all about a Twitter Experience.

Listed among the most active social networks and the most popular on-line platform, Twitter has becoming a good way for people to communicate,and for NGOs to create awareness and to voice out. Twitter has attracted many billions of users comprise several public figures as politicians. According to Honeycutt Herring.“Twittering appears to be primarily a week day activity with the service receiving more than twice the attention on a weekend day ”. 

Yes! Twitter brings along several interesting features that allow you to Capture the attention of your audience : One among the adopted features is of course the very popular #Hashtags. Twitter recently adopted hashtags: where anything with the pound symbol in front of it became hyperlinked, and  today's hashtags are being used on almost every online platforms, such as Facebook, YouTube, tumbler and others.

 While being on Twitter I have identified several Hashtags related to #Women#Rights and #Emancipation Of Women.Users are more likely, to capture, the attention of the audience with Key words that can be interesting for instance : #Powerfulwomen #Leadership #Success #Womenintheworld.

My experience on Twitter allows me to reflect on the fact that many initiatives have been taken to empowered women, for example : Sports and Tourism.I wanted to retweet articles that have found very impressive they were as followed:
 Retweet one : #impressive Great examples Of #EmpoweringWomen. 
#healthy woman in #healthy Body. 
#Determination-A #must Read.  

Retweet two was about the Resolution 1345  and I will definitely advise you guys to read about it :
#Resolution #1325, adopted by the UN security council want to draw attention
 about the #security #of #women. Enjoy.

However my tweets were more like an invitation to the audience to visit my blog and to read my blog posts.I have tried to make it appealing enough with hashtags and to summarize them.

Tweet one  : #JustHearing The Word " #Women" send a #shiver down my spine.#Women #StrongCharacter   #beyondWords #MalalaVictory

Tweet Two : Because we Believe in #WomanAbility We Believe that An EducatedWoman
can rule an #Entire #Society

Twitter can act as a very good promotional tool and this task might have been very benefit in a way, for example : reaching more audiences.However it can be very useful if you have a certain amount of followers. Once I experience Twitter I noticed an increase in relation to the statistic of my view post, Hence I will Recommend Twitter to any bloggers.  

Monday, 12 October 2015

And if we were all Malala?

If we want to be Malala- we have to know Malala
If we do not want to be Malala we still have to know about Malala…

 From the very beginning of this year, I went to the greatest discovery of Malala from Pakistan , through various articles, videos published online and social networks. The young and global activist is an incredible figure, who speak up for what she believes in and still I was unaware that Malala was the youngest winner of the Nobel Prize of 2014, before I came across this article: The teen activist from Pakistan is the youngest person to win a Nobel Prize

Only 17, Malala is full of willpower, inspiration, and strength, her voice itself is a powerful weapon: “Malala survived being shot by terrorists for speaking out for girls’ right to be educated, in her native country” It was heart touching to see Malala fighting for having the right to get educated while others are waking up and complaining about going to school and yet do not realized the chance they have.

 Moreover, this article perfectly portray Malala’s personality and experience, describing her, firstly being a girl then an activist: who is she and what she had done, before and after winning the Nobel peace prize. She is an impressive example for today’s girls, and  should be the inspirational figure of every little girls aged 11 and 12. Girls should adopt that attitude of standing up for their right and voice out instead of being afraid of what might happen.

The piece of writing stress on the determination and dreams of Malala to see women having equal rights and peace in every corner of the world.
Malala's Story- #WeAreSilent

This Article however,allows a deep rooted exploration in relation to Mauritian society where girls are often deprive from education due to poverty, hence generated various social problems such as prostitution ring - child prostitution. If all women wake up one day with the determination to change the world , it will surely be a better World.

This Article however has demonstrate that she is not only fighting for an issue and she is trying to change the course of the history.

She is the one who had understand that education is the key of all success for both boys and girls.
She claimed: One child, one teacher, One book, and One Pen, can change the world.
                                                               And she is Malala.